Huge Back to School TPT Sale + Share the Wealth Linky

Wow! There is so much going on right now. Can you tell it’s back-to-school season? My head is spinning with all the things that I need to do!

There are only a few days left until the huge TPT Back-to-School sale. It’s time to go through your wish list and figure out what to add to your cart. Think about what you need for the next few months. My entire store, Teacher Treasure Hunter, will be marked down 20%. Add the TPT promo code of BTS14 and you will save 28% on everything from my store. Don’t forget the code! This is an amazing deal. The bundles are already a good savings and you will still get the discount on those.

To help you get ready for back to school I’m linking up with John Hughes @ An Educator’s Life to share FREE back to school resources and the item that is the most wish-listed from my store. Just click on the picture above to see what everyone has shared.

I linked up my new Back to School Birthday Bulletin Board and Certificates. These are colorful little cupcake posters that you can put up in your class to show all the birthdays. There are also certificates that you can include with a little treat from the teacher to make their day more special.

My most wish-listed item is: Arctic Animals Research Papers. It’s not specific to back-to-school, but it’s great to prepare ahead of time. I’m always amazed when I get a sale of this in the middle of summer! 🙂 I  have several other products like this. I think this is the most popular since I have had it listed the longest and also more teachers do this study than some of the others (desert animals, etc.). This item has over 100 feedback ratings! Thank you! Here are a few of my favorites:

Kim said: My students LOVED this packet! They loved picking their own animal to research and turned around and wrote great informative writing pieces! Your graphic organizers were so easy for them to use for their writing. Thank you for a great packet of information!

Mary said: MAJOR time saver, and wow, what a product. So useful.

Deborah said: The information has been well researched and written in a way that is easily understood, but not dumbed down. Love that there are real photos included. Thanks for this wonderful resource.

Reading is Love said: These are very well-organized and readable, and feature a lot of animals that my students wanted to study but about which I couldn’t find books. Thank you!

Last, but not least, don’t forget to enter this awesome giveaway for an iPad mini. The entry options are easy to do. Most of them are just a follow at the TPT store or blog — it just takes a click or two. Good luck!

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